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Business owners need to answer this question as a fundamental test of the viability of their business proposition.

This article is the second in a series of articles that will track the sequence of things a business owner, existing or start up, needs to solve to build a bigger better business. The first article was how to get How to get paid based on your worth!

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“Why choose you?” This very much requires you to stand in the shoes of your target clientele and ensure you have answered the questions they will ask do you can confidently demonstrate that you can solve their problem. Imagine an intersection with 4 identical corners and there are coffee shops on each so which do you choose to buy your coffee from and which one will you recommend to others?

It is likely what you do is offered also by others so spend time on figuring out why you are to be different, on why you are irresistible and why you are memorable. Think about why and how you choose a supplier or a professional service and what makes them stand out in your mind. If the answer is price and if you adopt this proposition then you will have a problem sustaining your business.

Successful businesses spend time on developing a proposition that is different, is authentic and has been built and tested by first identifying and solving client needs and problems. Some of the problems you identify may not even be known to the client.

There is only one way to develop your proposition and that is to engage with your market and have a very different conversation about their business and their needs and problems.

Your product or service must respond to this research. Turbo charge your proposition by ensuring that it speaks to the benefit your client will achieve by “Choosing You” i.e. not just what you do but the “value of what you do in their hands”. Will you save them time, money, staff, improve their customers experience, staff experience, shareholder experience?

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Business propositions that rely on only on “what you do” (Transactional) are not as sustainable as “why you are different and why you will make a difference” in your clients business. (Value add)

Bonus: imagine the value you embed in your business if you have loyal repeat clients who refer you!


Leigh Powell is Business Mentor and Strategist with  Your Time Matters and has worked with over 200 small businesses to make them Bigger and Better! You can meet  him  face to face at all YTM Business Networking events or contact him here.



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